
Assessment On: John Henderson
Phone: 888-555-1234

Position: Bookkeeper

Company: ABC Data Systems
Report Type: Bookkeeping

Assessment Date: 5/9/2000

Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

Name: John Henderson Date: 5/9/2000
Company: ABC Data Systems Page: 1

----- History of Dishonesty -----


----- Mental Aptitudes -----

Mental Acuity

MENTAL ACUITY - How quickly an individual comprehends information and is able to reason through and solve problems -- Very quick learner with good problem solving skills.

Basic Math

MATH SKILLS measures the general knowledge of arithmetic an individual possesses. Mr. Henderson's knowledge of general arithmetic is superior. He can be expected to add, subtract or multiply with the speed and degree of accuracy required of a position that requires exceptional knowledge of general arithmetic.

Numerical Perception

NUMERICAL PERCEPTION measures an individual's accuracy in handling numeric and alphabetic data. Mr. Henderson's superior Numerical Perception score indicates that he can process data quickly and correctly.

Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

Name: John Henderson Date: 5/9/2000
Company: ABC Data Systems Page: 2

----- Personality Structure -----


ENERGY - Energy and drive to get the job done -- Well-balanced energy level. Can handle both sedentary and action-oriented tasks and likes a balance of the two.


FLEXIBILITY - Level of flexibility, creativity, integrity and adaptability to change -- Will follow instructions; reliable, dependable and honest, yet creative and flexible enough to handle change.


ORGANIZATION - Desire to organize assignments to better utilize time and resources -- Extremely disorganized; needs help laying out priorities. Needs a position not heavily detail-oriented.


COMMUNICATION - Ability to communicate and willingness to share knowledge with others to achieve common goals -- Extremely outgoing; enjoys and needs constant interaction with people during the day. Will also need to develop good listening skills for better communication.

Emotional Dev

EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT - Level of ego and confidence -- Inclined to complacency; little sense of urgency; tendency to procrastinate. Strong ego strength.


ASSERTIVENESS - Cooperativeness versus the tendency to be opinionated -- Likes to do things his own way; enjoys control and responsibility. Enjoys positions of authority, but will need to control the tendency to take over without being asked. May be difficult to train or manage.


COMPETITIVENESS - Desire to compete against others and win vs. desire to work as part of a team -- Enjoys competition and will work harder to be #1.

Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

Name: John Henderson Date: 5/9/2000
Company: ABC Data Systems Page: 3

----- Personality Structure, cont. -----

Mental Toughness

MENTAL TOUGHNESS - Ability to handle negative aspects of job as well as ability to exhibit empathy towards others -- High level of mental toughness; not easily discouraged by negative events. May not show empathy to others.

Questioning /Probing

QUESTIONING/PROBING - Desire to question and probe, rather than accepting things at face value -- Moderate questioning skills; will accept most things at face value, but will do a moderate amount of probing to better understand matters.


MOTIVATION - Achievement orientation and internal motivation to initiate changes and take risks in order to advance -- Highly recognition-motivated. Could be a turnover risk unless allowed to reap rewards for hard work in the form of commissions, bonuses and other remunerative rewards.

----- Validity Scales -----


DISTORTION - Proper vs. improper reporting -- Gave good, frank answers about self.


EQUIVOCATION - Certainty of personal response -- Accurate; represented self clearly and consistently.

This report is confidential and is an opinion based on test results and other available data. In the selection process it may count up to one third (1/3) of the decision process along with the interview, reference check, education and experience.

Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

Name: John Henderson Date: 5/9/2000
Company: ABC Data Systems Page: 3

Mental Aptitudes - for Bookkeeping position
  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  
       [.......]       X      
Quick learn
High Skills
Personality Dimensions - for Bookkeeping position
  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  
              X [.......]     
              X [.......]     
  X                [.......]  
       [.......]          X   
          [.......]    X      
       [.......]       X      
    [.......]             X   
Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

Name: John Henderson Date: 5/9/2000
Company: ABC Data Systems Page: 4

Validity Scales - for Bookkeeping position
  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  
Choose Middle

STANINE: The STANINE is a system of measurements which divides the population into nine parts.

NOTE: Areas with dots and brackets ([........]) are of prccnry importance with the dots and brackets reflecting the most desirable range for an individual to score in to have those characteristics. Areas without dots and brackets are secondary areas that provide additional information regarding the individual.

AREAS OF CONCERN - Scores of 1 or 2 in any of the following dimensions: Energy, Flexibility,
Emotional Development or Mental Toughness
are areas of concern.
Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

Name: John Henderson Date: 5/9/2000
Company:ABC Data Systems Page: 5

Interview Questions

Following are the interview questions which an interviewer may choose to use in the candidate interview process.

These interview questions are generated to establish basic traits critical for all employees.

The interview questions that follow are for a candidate who has prior work experience. In the event the candidate does not have priorwork experience, the questions may need to be modified by the interviewer to fit the situation.

Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

Name: John Henderson Date: 5/15/00
Company:ABC Data Systems Page: 6
Interview Questions for Mental Acuity

Mental Acuity - Measurement of how quickly an individual comprehends information and is able to reason through and solve problems.
   Very strong    Strong         Some           Strong        Very strong    
    evidence       evidence       evidence       evidence      evidence        
    skill is       skill is       skill is       skill is      skill is        
    not present    not present    present        present       present         
Interpretive Guides
Describe your most challenging job. What made the job so challenging? Did the candidate describe circumstances which are likely to occur in this position? Does the candidate appear to accept responsibility and find ways to keep him/herself motivated?

Give me an example of a time you were faced with a problem for which there appeared to be no solution. What steps did you take to resolve the issue? Does the candidate appear to have good reasoning skills and the ability to resolve problems? Does it appear the candidate takes calculated risks in order to resolve crises? Is the candidate willing to admit limitations and ask for the input of others?

All jobs, over time, can become monotonous and routine. Tell me how you keep yourself challenged, motivated and enthusiastic about a job once you've learned and become proficient at it. Does the candidate have a way to deal with boredom and keep him or herself challenged? Are there other activities the candidate enters into in order to obtain mental challenge? Is the candidate willing to take the initiative to learn new things without being directed to do so by management?

What was the last major skill or course of study you accomplished? Did you learn this skill or gain this knowledge on the job, or on your own? Is the candidate willing to keep skills and knowledge honed? Does it appear the candidate functions below his or her level of capability? Does it appear the candidate realizes his or her high mental ability and uses it to full advantage?

Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

Name: John Henderson Date: 5/15/00
Company:ABC Data Systems Page: 7
Interview Questions for Organization

Organization - Measurement of the individual's desire to organize assignments and projects to better utilize time and resources.
   Very strong    Strong         Some           Strong        Very strong    
    evidence       evidence       evidence       evidence      evidence        
    skill is       skill is       skill is       skill is      skill is        
    not present    not present    present        present       present         
Interpretive Guides
Tell me about a time you missed a deadline, were late for a meeting or experienced other problems because you did not plan well enough in advance. Was the candidate on time for this interview? If not, was the excuse justifiable? Does it appear the candidate learned from the experience he or she described in this first question?

Describe how you typically kept yourself organized, and prioritized tasks in your former position. Did you use any planning tools to help keep yourself organized and if so, what were they? Does the candidate have specific steps he or she takes to stay organized? Does the candidate appear to understand how to prioritize tasks? Does the candidate use planning tools to help stay organized, i.e., a daily planner, computerized schedule, etc?

Tell me about a time, in a previous job, when your ability to "wing it" saved a project from failure. What would the outcome have been had you not been able to improvise? Has the candidate been able to capitalize on his or her ability to improvise? Does the candidate appear to understand the importance of planning, yet also have the ability to be flexible and change plans, when necessary? Does it appear the candidate takes pride in his or her ability to "change horses in mid-stream?" Is the candidate sharp enough to keep priorities in his or her head without losing sight of them?

Describe your office or work area in your former job. Was everything neatly put in place, or did you tend to function better in chaotic surroundings? Is the candidate fairly tidy, or does the candidate thrive on chaos and disarray? How important is tidiness in this position? Will others come into or see the candidate's office or work area, or is it secluded?
Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

Name: John Henderson Date: 5/15/00
Company:ABC Data Systems Page: 8
Interview Questions for Communication

Communication - Measurement of the individual's ability to communicate and willingness to share knowledge and team with others to achieve common goals.
   Very strong    Strong         Some           Strong        Very strong    
    evidence       evidence       evidence       evidence      evidence        
    skill is       skill is       skill is       skill is      skill is        
    not present    not present    present        present       present         
Interpretive Guides
Describe a circumstance in a prior job when you or a team member failed to listen attentively and problems arose due to misunderstanding/s. Does the candidate have a firm understanding of the importance of listening? During the interview, did the candidate interrupt or appear to not listen to what you were saying? Does the candidate appear enthusiastic and positive, or just loud and boisterous?

Tell me about the most difficult person you've ever dealt with in trying to build rapport. How did you finally break through and get to know that person? Does the candidate appear to have a skill in developing rapport with strangers? Is the candidate interesting and someone who exhibits interest in others?

Give me an example of a time when someone warned you not to talk so much. How have you learned to control your high level of sociability? Is the candidate willing to admit that at some time in the past, he or she has been cautioned about talking too much? Does it appear that this is still a problem with the candidate?

Tell me about your communication style. How have you made it serve you? Would you change or improve on your ability to communicate if it were possible? Does the candidate understand his or her own communication style? Does this style fit into the corporate culture of the company? Does the candidate feel any need to change or improve on his or her communication skills? Are these desired changes logical, mature and do they show good judgment?

Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

Name: John Henderson Date: 5/15/00
Company:ABC Data Systems Page: 9
Interview Questions for Emotional Development

Emotional Development - Measurement of the individual's level of patience, self-esteem and confidence.
   Very strong    Strong         Some           Strong        Very strong    
    evidence       evidence       evidence       evidence      evidence        
    skill is       skill is       skill is       skill is      skill is        
    not present    not present    present        present       present         
Interpretive Guides
Describe three of your greatest strengths in your previous position. Describe your three greatest weaknesses in that job. Did the candidate experience difficulty thinking of his or her strengths? Weaknesses? Was the candidate quicker to relate strengths than weaknesses? Were the weaknesses the candidate stated actually traits which could be considered strengths, as well?

Tell me about a time, in your previous job, when you were too tolerant with yourself and failed to meet a deadline because of it. Did the candidate deny ever having failed to reach a deadline? Does it appear the candidate understands the reasons behind his or her having failed to meet the deadline? Does it appear the candidate learned from the experience?

We all procrastinate from time to time. Tell me what steps you took, in your previous job, to avoid procrastinating. What specific types of tasks did you find yourself more likely to procrastinate on? What type of tasks is the candidate the most likely to put off handling? Will it be important, in this position, that the candidate complete similar tasks in a timely manner? Does it appear the candidate has developed steps to take to help him or herself avoid procrastinating?

How would you rate yourself, in overall performance, compared to other people you worked with in your previous job who were in the same or similar type jobs? Does the candidate have high self-esteem? Does the candidate rate him or herself to be considerably better than others? When discussing this particular question, did the candidate become more anccnted and boastful? Does the candidate come across overly confident or egotistical?

Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

Name: John Henderson Date: 5/15/00
Company:ABC Data Systems Page: 10
Interview Questions for Assertiveness

Assertiveness - Measurement of the individual's cooperativeness versus the tendency to be opinionated. Also measures the person's ability to take charge, direct others or handle confrontations.
   Very strong    Strong         Some           Strong        Very strong    
    evidence       evidence       evidence       evidence      evidence        
    skill is       skill is       skill is       skill is      skill is        
    not present    not present    present        present       present         
Interpretive Guides
Assertive people sometimes like to "debate" simply for the enjoyment. Tell me about a time when you "debated" an issue at work in which you took the less popular stand and persuaded others to change their minds.

Did the candidate debate an issue which was really not important to him or her? Does it appear that the candidate enjoys "arguing" simply for the sake of "arguing?" Does it appear the candidate is impetuous?
Give me an example of a time you were asked to do something with which you especially disagreed. How did you handle the situation? If you had the chance, would you handle the situation differently? Does the candidate have a clear understanding of the situation? Does it appear the candidate is willing to compromise, or does the candidate appear to be hardheaded? Is the candidate defensive of his or her position? Does the candidate raise his or her voice when describing situations?

Tell me about a time when you allowed your dominance to get out of control and it caused problems. How would you handle the situation differently? Dominant people, at some time or another, allow their dominance to get out of control. Does the candidate deny this has ever been a problem? Does the candidate appear overly defensive and place blame on others?

What do you believe is the difference between being submissive, assertive or aggressive. Tell me about a time you were aggressive when you meant to be assertive. How do you believe the outcome would have differed had you been assertive, rather than aggressive?

Does the candidate understand the difference between being assertive and being overly aggressive? Does the candidate admit to being aggressive and if so, does it appear the candidate understands the weakness of this personality trait?
Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

Name: John Henderson Date: 5/15/00
Company:ABC Data Systems Page: 11
Interview Questions for Competitiveness

Competitiveness - Measurement of the individual's desire to compete against others and win, versus desire to work as part of a team.
   Very strong    Strong         Some           Strong        Very strong    
    evidence       evidence       evidence       evidence      evidence        
    skill is       skill is       skill is       skill is      skill is        
    not present    not present    present        present       present         
Interpretive Guides
Tell me about the toughest job situation you've encountered which involved not only you, but other people. What role did you play in resolving the problem?

Did the part the candidate played in resolving the problem exhibit good team work? Did the candidate exhibit good leadership skills and take appropriate action?
Describe the highest goal you have ever set for yourself and reached. How did reaching that goal affect you?

Was the goal an obvious "stretch" for the candidate? Did the candidate exhibit perseverence in reaching the goal?
Give an example of a time when you felt it was easier to do everything yourself, rather than teach or depend on others to help you. Do you usually feel this way? If so, why? Does the candidate admit to being someone who believes "no one can do anything as well as he/she?" Does it appear the candidate can also work as part of a team? Look for words indicating team spirit, i.e., "we" and "our team," as opposed to "I" and "me."

Tell me about the last time you competed for something and lost. How did that make you feel and what, if anything, would you do differently if you were in that same situation in the future? Does the candidate appear to be resentful over the loss? Does it appear the candidate can take criticism and failure in stride, or does the candidate become discouraged? Did the candidate appear to learn anything from this experience?

Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

Name: John Henderson Date: 5/15/00
Company:ABC Data Systems Page: 12
Interview Questions for Mental Toughness

Mental Toughness - Measurement of the individual's ability to work long hours in a high-pressure environment meeting critical deadlines, as well as the individual's sensitivity and ability to exhibit empathy towards others.
   Very strong    Strong         Some           Strong        Very strong    
    evidence       evidence       evidence       evidence      evidence        
    skill is       skill is       skill is       skill is      skill is        
    not present    not present    present        present       present         
Interpretive Guides
Tell me about a time in a former job when someone accused you of being insensitive. Was the accusation correct and if so, did you do anything to resolve the issue?

Does the candidate appear insensitive and uncaring about the feelings of others? Does the candidate appear to take pride in the fact that he or she is less emotional?
Tell me about the most difficult set of circumstances you have been faced with in a job. How did you work through the difficulty?

Is the candidate capable of persevering in the face of strong obstacles? Did the candidate overcome a great deal of adversity?
There are many times when we are faced with making a decision based either on emotional issues, or on facts. Tell me about a time you made a decision based purely on the facts, overlooking the emotional issues, and later regretted your decision. If given the chance, what decision would you make?

Is the candidate willing to admit that emotions play a part in some decision-making? If not, will the candidate be working with, or leading, people who are likely to be more sensitive than he or she?
Describe for me a person you've worked with in the past who was overly sensitive or emotional. Did you consider this person's sensitivity to be a weakness? How did you react to this person? Is the candidate quick to criticize those who are more sensitive? Is the candidate capable of working with all types of people including those who are more sensitive? Can the candidate incorporate empathy into his or her approach with others?

Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

Name: John Henderson Date: 5/15/00
Company:ABC Data Systems Page: 13
Interview Questions for Motivation

Motivation - Measurement of the individual's achievement orientation and internal motivation to initiate changes and take risks in order to advance.
   Very strong    Strong         Some           Strong        Very strong    
    evidence       evidence       evidence       evidence      evidence        
    skill is       skill is       skill is       skill is      skill is        
    not present    not present    present        present       present         
Interpretive Guides
In your prior job, what was the biggest change you were faced with and how did you adapt to that change? Does the candidate seem to thrive on change? Does it appear the candidate has good skills to cope with change?

Give me an example of a time you took a risk and won. How did your accomplishment make you feel? How do you believe you would have felt if you had taken that risk and failed? Is the candidate a big risk taker? Does it appear the risks the candidate has taken are reasonable and calculated, or does the candidate appear to be somewhat impetuous? Does it appear the candidate is able to accept occasional failure?

Other than money, describe what really motivated you in prior jobs to do more than you were expected to do. Does the candidate appear to understand what motivates him or her and if so, are these factors reasonable and available in this position?

What type of compensation plan have you most enjoyed in the past - straight salary, commission only, draw plus, etc. What most attracts you to this type of compensation plan? In this position, will the candidate be on the same type compensation plan as the one he or she most enjoyed in the past. If not, could the compensation plan be structured to better meet the candidate's needs?
Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.