Name: John Henderson Date:
Company: Page: 1

Best Hire Report

Dependability and Job Fit Ratings

The Dependability rating for John Henderson is: B
The General Job Fit rating for John Henderson is: A

Personality Traits

Energy: Measures the individual's energy and drive level, as well as ability to work under pressure.

John has the energy level required to effectively perform the job, yet is also able to stay focused on tasks and handle pressure well.

Flexibility: Measures the individual's ethics, honesty, reliability and dependability as this trait relates to handling customers' needs and/or following company policies and procedures.

John is dependable, reliable and carefully follows policies and procedures.

Communication: Measures an individual's ability to meet and deal with people.

John is reasonably sociable and able to converse with others.

Copyright 1967, 1971, 1977, 1992, 2004 Candidate Resources, Inc.

Name: John Henderson Date:
Company: Page: 2

Emotional Development: Measures an individual's ego, self-confidence and patience in dealing with people, situations and stress.

John lacks self-confidence and is quite impatient. He may be intolerant or behave inappropriately with others.

Assertiveness: Measures the individual's ability to take orders and directions from others.

John is service oriented, yet appropriately assertive. He is able to control situations and instruct others as necessary without appearing overly domineering.

Mental Toughness: Ability to handle pressure and stress without becoming discouraged.

John is tough enough to handle the ups and downs of a job, yet remains sensitive to the needs of others.

This report is confidential and is an opinion based on test results and other available data. In the selection process it may count up to one third (1/3) of the decision process along with the interview, reference check, education and experience.

Click here for the Interpretive Guide

Copyright 1967, 1971, 1977, 1992, 2004 Candidate Resources, Inc.